Benchmark a building's energy performance
Do you know how your building's energy performance compares to other buildings in the category? Use the below tool to compare and benchmark your building's Energy Use Intensity (EUI) with hundreds of similar buildings in Singapore. You can print or email the results as a quick benchmarking report to anyone you need to.

1st Quartile
4th Quartile
The above is based on benchmarking building consumption and is a rough indication of energy saving potential of a building. We recommend using the BtrLyf-EDGAR tool to get actionable insights into building energy consumption and ways to achieve super low energy or net zero energy performance at the best return on investment (ROI).
BtrLyf EDGAR tool will help you to:
1) Understand detailed energy consumption breakdown
2) Suggest Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to achieve the desired energy savings
3) Do a cost-benefit analysis of energy savings measures (Capex, ROI)
4) Select ECMs on your own to achieve customized results
5) Connect to technology and solution providers to implement and improve energy performance.