BtrLyf enables building performance data to be benchmarked accross the city and generate new insights for green projects

The auto-generated baseline building performance report shows detailed breakdown of energy consumption and related sub-systems performance metrics

BtrLyf supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in multiple ways. It improves productivity of green projects by 10-50x, thus enhancing sustainability opportunities and accelerating green economic growth via decarbonization of the built environment.

BtrLyf enables building performance data to be benchmarked accross the city and generate new insights for green projects
BtrLyf Apps
Enhanced Digital Green Assessor

EDGAR increases productivity of a green assessment by 10-50x. it allows for Do-it-Yourself (DIY) technical analysis in green projects without the need for deep technical skills. It also prevents duplication of efforts that are common in the industry due to lack of an effective technical data sharing structure.
Product Inclusion in Assessment

PRIA helps product suppliers, resellers and vendors to include their products for digital assessment. It allows for quantification and qualification of solutions to a higher degree of granularity and AI-enabled matching. Very effective digital tool for honing the selection process for products in green projects.
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