Developed in collaboration with Wattics, our Virtual Audits-Live tool boasts a easy-to-use and super intuitive and convenient cloud interface. It can be used by the building owners and managers themselves or with training and assistance from us wherever required.
Hardware Agnostic, the platform supports and is compatible with 200+ devices. From energy meters to IoT sensors, data from various devices can be streamed into the platform for analysis. Users can upload historical energy data as well as gather and analyse energy, gas, water, temperature and any other numeric value.
Wide functionality. Use a single platform from which to generate all your energy analyses and create energy savings reports. (Automated reports, M&V tool, prediction of consumption, operational analyzer etc.). Stack, spline, column, pie charts as well as daily, monthly, weekly, yearly, period views. Also able to compare and analyse accross multiple sites within an organisation
Custom Alerts and Reports. Its easy to configure the alerts and reports and get actionable insights form the platform on-the-go. The platform is powerful enough to create any metrics, algorithms and formulas you can think of. This means no more models calculated through lengthy Excel spreadsheets. Get all the data you want available 24x7 on a cloud-based platform.
Flexible Payments. No upfront payments. Pay only for what you use on a monthly basis. Our tool is cost-effective and available as a flexible monthly payment to suit your need. Pay only for data points that are linked to the platform and nothing else. We allow multiple users from the same organisation to access the data at no additional costs!